Tailored configuration for your unique business needs: Our experts customize your system for maximum efficiency and performance.
We know SimCorp. Our team understands the challenges of the financial industry and strives to provide the optimal solution without compromise. In addition, we work in close partnership with your SimCorp consultants to ensure all necessary aspects are considered. We aid our clients in their business decisions, providing expert knowledge in SimCorp.
Whatever implementation model you are considering, we have the expertise and knowledge to build high-quality solutions for your business.
Using business-driven, pre-configured templates we get you a head start. By working in iterations and in collaboration with end-users we ensure high-quality solutions that meet the needs of your organization. To make this certain, we work closely with SimCorp and your subject matter experts from the relevant business areas.
We have successfully involved end-users from the very beginning of configuration, showing early workflows recognizable from their current system. This eliminates a black box configuration, avoids us going down the wrong path, and creates a better transition to your team taking ownership once you go-live.
For configuration in SimCorp that cannot be automatically promoted by the transport tool, we have an alternative tool. One that is fast and reliable, helping you to reduce configuration time and eliminate the risk of errors.
Using Dimensional Community to configure SimCorp in your implementation project secures high-quality solutions faster and more reliably than anyone else.
We have experience in running configuration streams in the following areas:
Front office – analytics in portfolio manager, OMS, and Compliance
Performance measurement
IBOR – operations, and settlement, including corporate actions
Collateral management
ABOR - accounting, amortization, and fund administration
Securities and derivatives
System administration – system platform, servers, and batches
Solutions Built For Success
It's all about custom business solutions.
It's all about quality.
It's all about seamless user adoption